Tuesday 12 November 2013


When you av a dream,you have got a target,you are aiming to
be in a particular position,then,  there is a need to
start behaving like, thinking like, dressing like, eating like where you are going, 'cos when you conceive what your future should look like, you also need to see yourself in it already(extending your faith). You really need to see ahead to have or get anything in life.
By the time you eventually reach the desired height, you have no problems trying to adjust, you already know what to do and when to do them.
This now brings us to dressing like 'where you are
going'(what you want to become in future). When you dress well,you are recognized for it in the society, people will always like to associate with you,which is a good thing in any man's life. (You will always need people around you in life).
Ordinarily,having on a cloth or an attire that fits 1


makes you smart and outstanding,no matter how simple it may look,its fitness on you make people appreciate you better.
Looking good makes people approach you with respect and maturity.They address you like a' king' 'cos you are one. You are well attended to anywhere you find yourself when you look good.